Coops Crafty Corner...My Etsy Shop

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pinterest Bird Feeder

Well it took a little while, but I finally got on board the "Pinterest craze!"  I had signed up a while ago, but didn't quite get it...and couldn't understand why it was so addicting!  Well...I got on every now and then, and just recently it hit!  I find such Wonderful things on there...I LOVE it!  Recipes, DIY projects, gardening ideas, homemade you name it...pretty much anything and everything! 

I have many things pinned, and figured that I should actually start creating some of these awesome things! of my first projects (I have done 3 or 4 now) was a homemade bird feeder.  The original pin came from here.

Their bottle was a 2 liter, and they used wooden spoons.  I loved the idea, but didn't want to go out and buy a bottle of soda and wooden spoons to make this "recycled" bird feeder!  Seemed to defeat the purpose!  Anyway, I found a 20 oz. water bottle, and some plastic spoons and this is the end result!  I love it, and so do the birds!  

My little helper:)  Filling the bottle can get messy...I suggest filling it inside a bag to catch all of the seed that flies off the spoons:)

Completed project!  I used my box knife to make triangles on one side and "T" slits on the other side.  The handle of the spoon goes the triangle hole, and into the "T" slits on the other side.  Repeat for as many spoons as you wish.  Screw an eye hook or small hook through the lid, attach string, fill feeder and you're all set!

Took about 4 days for me to see our first bird:)

Now...seems to be the popular breakfast spot! 

So much fun!  For me and the kiddos!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Etsy Christmas in July

It has been so much fun looking at all the fabulous items on sale from Etsy shops!  Christmas in July officially starts tomorrow July 12th and runs through the 22nd.  Come on over and search CIJ or Christmas in July to find some awesome items!!  Many shops are running theirs all month or have already begun their sale:)

Monday, July 2, 2012


Guess What?!!  It's July!

 That means it's time to stock up on all your Mother's Day, Father's Day, Birthday, and of course Christmas cards!! 

---10% off your entire order for the whole month of July. 
Enter coupon code JULY2012 at checkout to receive your discount!**

Go to Coop's Crafty Corner,and stock up today!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Lot's of Changes!

 Wow!  No post since November?  Well, there have been so many things going on in the past 6 months, that it was just impossible for me to keep up with it all!  Of course there was Christmas, that keeps us all busy.  Then there was packing for our move and the move itself.  We are now here in Utah, and LOVE it!  It is so beautiful, and such a fun, yet different experience to be living in our own house.  We are finally mostly settled in, although there is still the last pile of boxes that I don't want to go through yet!  Maybe later:)

I have also opened a new shop on Zibbet in addition to my Etsy shop.  It is going to be my "Seasonal" shop.  I don't keep my seasonal items on Etsy year round, and so thought it would be great to have Mother's Day Cards, Father's Day Cards, Christmas, Easter, Etc, available year round!  I also have included my birth announcements, since they are made to order!  I LOVE my job!!

I have added "tabs" at the top of this page, where you can click directly on "Etsy Shop" or "Zibbet Shop"  and it will take you there.  I hope you will stop and take a peek!  Have a blessed day!